Dialog EU - Čína: občanská společnost

Organizace: Delegation of the European Union to China & Mongolia

Popis výzvy

Zaměření programu

The European civil society, being multi-faceted and experienced throughout decades working with governments, has plenty of experience to offer to its Chinese counterparts. In Europe, the civil society – understood in the large sense of the term – is an invaluable contributor to the societal development. In the same way, the Chinese notion of a harmonious society will greatly benefit from the supporting activities of the citizens and their groupings. The Chinese civil society is increasingly interested in international cooperation. At this stage of its development, there is an apparent interest in international / European contacts and fora for exchanging views and experiences. The Chinese civil society is facing challenges that were familiar to its European counterparts in the past, and would greatly benefit from lessons learned from the EU side while looking together with EU counterparts for a Chinese version of approaches used. The importance of bringing together different civil society actors from Europe and China cannot be underestimated.

The overall objective is to support the consolidation of a structured ongoing dialogue between European and Chinese civil societies. The specific purpose is to formulate common recommendations on public as well as private governance for the benefit of sustainable development and of poverty eradication.

The expected results of the project are:
- Durable and sustainable links between existing European and Chinese civil society institutions in relevant fields are established. Relevant fields/partners include (but not exclusively): law, journalism, religion, culture, minorities, gender, health, environment, trade unions, and policy think tanks.
- The operating environment of relevant sectors of Chinese civil society is improved.
- Knowledge and understanding of relevant European stakeholders of the Chinese civil society environment is enhanced.

Co podporuje

Possible activities to be carried out under this action are (non-exhaustive and indicative):
Implementation of structured EU-China Civil Society dialogue by way of grass-root level, demanddriven, participatory workshops, seminars and conferences involving European and Chinese civil society from an encompassing professional and socio-economic background (farming, business, arts, culture, education, science, civil service,…) and on themes related to major and common challenges (ethics, education, media, poverty challenge, economy, governance, biodiversity,…) and with the goal to publish recommendations in relation to common economic, social, environmental, political, cultural challenges.
Cross-cutting issues such as environmental sustainability, gender equality, good governance and human rights should be mainstreamed in the activities.

Co nepodporuje

- actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses;
- actions concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
- actions which discriminate against individuals or groups of people on grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or lack of them, or their ethnic origin;
- actions supporting political parties;
- actions including proselytism.

Koho podporuje

NNO, univerzity.
Webové stránky programu: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/culture/funding/2010/call_strand_13_2010_en.php
Zaměření výzvy: Dobrovolnictví, humanitární pomoc, komunitní rozvoj, kultura, umění, mezinárodní spolupráce, ochrana lidských práv, rozvoj nno
Cílová skupina: Neziskové organizace, osoby po výkonu trestu
Místní působnost: Hlavní město Praha, Středočeský kraj, Jihočeský kraj, Plzeňský kraj, Karlovarský kraj, Ústecký kraj, Liberecký kraj, Královéhradecký kraj, Pardubický kraj, Kraj Vysočina, Jihomoravský kraj, Olomoucký kraj, Moravskoslezský kraj, Zlínský kraj
Poslední aktualizace: 20.3.2020

Termíny uzávěrek a granty

Ukončené uzávěrky

Termín podávání žádostí: 7.5.2010
Finanční alokace výzvy: 1 000 000 €
Granty: od 400 000 € do 1 000 000 €


Delegation of the European Union to China & Mongolia

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