Pilot project for the development of knowledge partnerships

Organizace: EACEA - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Popis výzvy

Zaměření programu

The general objective of the call for proposals is to support the  implementation of Knowledge Alliances which should ensure stronger societal and economic relevance, and outreach in higher education, by  strengthening the role of higher education institutions as engines of  innovation and increasing the employability, creativity and innovative potential of graduates, professors and company staff.

Through this pilot project, the grant from  the European Commission will support the implementation of Knowledge Alliances, helping the partner organisations implement structured partnerships which should lead to  innovative and collaborative approaches in their field beyond the  lifetime of the project.

Knowledge Alliances are structured partnerships aimed at stimulating innovation by bringing together businesses and higher education institutions. Knowledge Alliances should foster the role of Higher Education institutions as engines of innovation, through the flow and  active exchange of knowledge between higher education and business, in  turn leading to the development of long-term strategic partnerships between Higher Education Institutions and companies. These partnerships should support companies in providing new approaches to the professional development of their staff. Knowledge Alliances should also provide incentives to try out new and innovative teaching methods, to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial mindsets, to foster the generation of new ideas and interdisciplinarity through cooperation.
Webové stránky programu: http://ec.europa.eu/education/calls/s0312_en.htm
Zaměření výzvy: Komunitní rozvoj, rozvoj nno
Cílová skupina: Osoby po výkonu trestu
Místní působnost: Hlavní město Praha, Středočeský kraj, Jihočeský kraj, Plzeňský kraj, Karlovarský kraj, Ústecký kraj, Liberecký kraj, Královéhradecký kraj, Pardubický kraj, Kraj Vysočina, Jihomoravský kraj, Olomoucký kraj, Moravskoslezský kraj, Zlínský kraj
Poslední aktualizace: 20.3.2020

Termíny uzávěrek a granty

Ukončené uzávěrky

Termín podávání žádostí: 28.6.2012


EACEA - Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

B 100 4/20
B-1049 Brussels
(BE) Belgium

Všechny výzvy vyhlašovatele (60)

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+420 730 173 166
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