Patagonia Grant

Organizace: Direct Sales Patagonia Europe

Popis výzvy

We support small, grassroots, activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working on multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. We help local groups working to protect local habitat, and think the individual battles to protect a specific stand of forest, stretch of river or indigenous wild species are the most effective in raising more complicated issues – particularly those of biodiversity and ecosystem protection – in the public mind. We look for innovative groups that produce measurable results, and we like to support efforts that force the government to abide by its own – our own – laws. Your efforts should be quantifiable, with specific goals, objectives and action plans, and should include measures for evaluating success. Because we're a privately held company, we have the freedom to fund groups off the beaten track, and that's where we believe our small grants are most effective. We support the use of creative methods to engage communities to take action, including film, photography and books. However, media projects will only be successful in our proposal process if they are tightly linked to a direct-action campaign on the issue, with specific goals that go beyond education and awareness.

We fund work that:

  • is action-oriented
  • builds public involvement and support
  • is strategic
  • focuses on root causes
  • accomplishes specific goals and objectives
  • Our funding is limited to: United States, Canada, Japan, Chile, Argentina, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, Luxembourg, Italy, Ireland, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Australia and the Czech Republic.

We do not fund:

  • organizations without 501(c)(3) status or a comparable fiscal sponsor
  • general environmental education efforts
  • land acquisition, land trusts or conservation easements
  • research, unless it is in direct support of a developed plan for specific action to alleviate an environmental problem
  • environmental conferences
  • endowment funds
  • political campaigns
  • green building projects
  • projects that are already done when the council meets
Webové stránky programu:
Zaměření výzvy: Dobrovolnictví
Cílová skupina: Migranti
Místní působnost: Jiná
Poslední aktualizace: 20.3.2020

Termíny uzávěrek a granty

Ukončené uzávěrky

Termín podávání žádostí: 30.6.2017
Granty: 12 000 USD


Direct Sales Patagonia Europe

Jollemanhof 11
1019 Amsterdam
(NL) Netherlands

Kontaktní osoby

Michaela Hladin
kontaktní osoba

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Šárka Pravdová
Péče o klienty Grantového diáře
+420 730 173 166

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Šárka Pravdová

Péče o klienty Grantového diáře

+420 730 173 166

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